If you’re reading this article, odds are you have a vehicle that you care about and would like to maintain in as like-new condition as possible. The most damage that occurs to a vehicle’s sur-faces happens in the wash process. What is ultimately a necessary task, can be harmful to your vehicle if done improperly. Here’s how we wash a vehicle at Glossy.
Step One: Make sure you have the right tools
Every aspect of washing matters, from the water used, the wash mitts, soap, drying towels, etc. Having quality products and tools will make your experience a lot more enjoyable and efficient. We recommend using two buckets when washing a vehicle, one with soap and one with water to rinse out your wash mitt after each section. Hard water can leave damaging mineral deposits behind, so a water softener or even better a deionized water system will almost eliminate any chance of spotting.
Step Two: Pre-Rinse
You want to clean off as much of the dirt as possible before ever physically touching the car. The less dirt on the car, the less of a chance of creating swirls and scratches.
Step Three: Foam
Whether using a pressure washer or regular hose, we recommend utilizing a foaming attachment to create a layer of thick suds on the paint. This will emulsify the dirt on the vehicle and help lift it off the paint. If the vehicle is excessively dirty you can rinse again after this step.
Step Four: Wash
Starting from the top of vehicle, work your way down one panel or section at a time, use very light pressure and avoid dragging dirt from the bottom of the vehicle to the top. After each section wash out your mitt in the rinse bucket to release any trapped particles, then continue to the next section.
Step Five: Rinse and Dry
Rinse off all of the soap and insure you flush out the door jambs, body moldings, and crevices on the body where soap and dirt can collect. Using your preferred detail spray and a quality microfiber drying towel, carefully mist each panel and lift off the water. It may be necessary to follow with a second dry microfiber to remove any remaining streaks.
Following these steps and making a conscientious effort to practice safe techniques will insure your vehicle keeping a like-new appearance.